Top 10k strings from Beyond Basic (1985)(Individual Software Service).tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational - [TZX] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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   5 z$=o$(n2):
   2 z$=o$(n2,n2
   2 s$(a+l,n4)=
   2 r$(a-m6);",";b;
   2 o$(l)="HL  "
   2 abel or value not set":
   2 Please press any key to continue
   2 B<m0)+(B<m0));B:
   2 ;"LD A,(HL)"
   2 ;"LD (HL),A":
   2 ;" REGISTERS";
   2 (c-tt*(c>tt*n3)):
   1 zx,zy;" ":
   1 z$=o$(l,l):
   1 x$(i);r$(i);" ";:
   1 v(i)+l)+"Z":
   1 v$="The value in each RAM storage   box can be any number from"
   1 v$(n7)=v$(a+l):
   1 v$(n6)=v$(
   1 v$(l-z)=v$(n7):
   1 v$(-z)=v$(n6):
   1 v$(-X)=v$(Y):
   1 t$(nz)=t$(l):
   1 t$(n7)=t$(a+l):
   1 t$(n6)=t$(a):
   1 t$(l-z)=t$(n7):
   1 t$(-z)=t$(n6):
   1 t$(-i)+N4)
   1 t$(-X)=t$(y):
   1 s$(y+l,n4)=
   1 s$(y+l)=l$
   1 s$(i+l,n5)
   1 s$(i+l,n4)
   1 s$(i+l,n3)
   1 s$(i+l,n2)
   1 s$(c+l,n5)=
   1 s$(b+l,n5)=
   1 s$(b+l)=i$:
   1 s$(NN,N5):
   1 r,m6;">*"(m+l):
   1 r$(A);",";r$(b-tt*A);
   1 o;"Rewind and play back to verify.",
   1 o;"Please enter store or register","name and value; e.g. M 6 or H ^Q":
   1 o;"Please enter name of program.","If it fails,
   1 o;" Please press a key as above.",,,:
   1 o;" Please enter new instruction,   ENTER to finish"+(", D to delete"
   1 o;"   Press any key to continue.",,,
   1 o$(n2,n4):
   1 o$(n2,l)="^"
   1 o$(n2)="HL  "
   1 o$(n2)="(HL)"
   1 o$(n2)="    "
   1 o$(l)="Z   "
   1 o$(l)="(HL)"
   1 o$(l)="    ":
   1 nz;f$(a-n8*(a>m6));" ";:
   1 n7,n3;"A   set up a new program",,,"   J   load a saved program",,,
   1 n6,n3;"You can now create a program",,,"of your own design and run it",,,"to see the effect on the store",,,"and registers.";
   1 n2,nz;"Program":
   1 n2,n7;"Registers";
   1 n2,l;"Store";
   1 n$=" numbers "
   1 m9,o;a$;" not understood",:
   1 m8,o;"I insert","R run","C change",
   1 m8,o,,,,a$;" checking...",,,:
   1 m8,o,,,,"    Setting up - please wait.",,,:
   1 m8,O;"R run","E edit","V set values",:
   1 m)+n2*(e=i
   1 m$=" Z80 microprocessor"
   1 m 34         
   1 l$=" registers "
   1 k$=" characters "
   1 jd3=(jd1-1
   1 j$=" storage "
   1 instruction
   1 i)+A;"     "
   1 h$=" store "
   1 g$=" data "
   1 f$=" instruction"
   1 f$(jd1,jd2)=q$(jd3)
   1 e+zs,f+zt;c$(zd)
   1 d$="Load the value"
   1 c$=d$+"   held in A into the address held in registers HL.":
   1 c$="The literal, op2 is loaded into register, op1":
   1 c$="The PC register  is incremented to point to the  instruction labelled e.":
   1 c$="Subtract the con-tents of register r from the    contents of A. Store the result back in A.":
   1 c$="Subtract the con-tents of register r from the    contents of A. Set the flag     register accordingly. A and r   are left unchanged.":
   1 c$="SUB E":
   1 c$="Registers L & H  are loaded with the values in   store locations nn and nn+1.":
   1 c$="NOTE:NZ(non-zero) and Z(zero)   can both be used as conditions.":
   1 c$="NOTE:NZ (non-zero) and Z (zero) can both be used as conditions."
   1 c$="Load the literal nn ( usually an address ) into  registers H & L.":
   1 c$="Load the contentsof registers H & L (sometimes anaddress) into store location nn & nn+1.":
   1 c$="Load the contentsof register r' into register r.":
   1 c$="Load the contentsof register A into the location with address nn":
   1 c$="Load register A  with the contents of location nnin RAM":
   1 c$="Load register A  from the store locaton whose    address is in H&L":
   1 c$="LD HL,^M":
   1 c$="LD HL,(M)":
   1 c$="LD B,C":
   1 c$="LD A,7":
   1 c$="LD A,(M)":
   1 c$="LD A,(HL)":
   1 c$="LD (M),HL":
   1 c$="LD (M),A":
   1 c$="LD (HL),A":
   1 c$="JR S":
   1 c$="JR NZ,S":
   1 c$="If the flag      register is currently set the   same as condition cc then set PCat the instruction labelled e.  If not, continue .":
   1 c$="CP E":
   1 c$="Add the contents of the two register operands    together and place the sum back into register A":
   1 c$="ADD A,E":
   1 b$="Two registers as a pair can holda value  from":
   1 b$="Such pairs are commonly used to hold the number or address of a storage box. They act like a    pointer to the box.":
   1 b$="Each register can hold a value  from":
   1 b$=" the value "
   1 b$=" Within the Z80, RAM or ROM      locations are accessed by       means of their numeric address.":
   1 b$=" We can move data from RAM into  the processor "
   1 b$=" We can move data from RAM into  the Processor's registers":
   1 b$=" The computer thinks of both     characters and numbers as the   contents of boxes." :
   1 b$=" RAM store can be altered by     loading data from the registers or store.":
   1 b$=" It is left to a compiler or an  assembler to connect our names  with the numeric address.":
   1 b$=" In Assembler or BASIC programs, it is easier for us to give a   name to our data areas.":
   1 b$=" Arithmetic operations can       change data in the processor's  registers":
   1 and then obeys it."
   1 a$="D            "
   1 a$=" given in operand ":
   1 a$="                                "
   1 [add,subtract]";
   1 Z$=o$(n2):
   1 We have just seen what is       inside your Spectrum - STORE,   REGISTERS, PROCESSOR etc."''" We have started to look at how  you can manipulate data in a    computer by using Assembly      Language instructions."
   1 S$(y+l)=L$
   1 S$(e+l,l)=s$(l,l):
   1 S$(a+l,n4)=
   1 Read Only Memory 
   1 Random Access Memory 
   1 NOTE:NZ (non-zero) and Z (zero) can both be used as conditions.D
   1 N3)=S$(y+l,
   1 Load the valueR
   1 LD LD LD LD LD LD LD LD end
   1 K,m6;" *>"(b+l);:
   1 I$(i-a+l)=
   1 BEYOND    
   1 ;'" C. LD  r,nn     D. LD  r,r'     E. LD  A,(nn)   F. LD  (nn),A   G. LD  HL,nn    H. LD  (nn),HL  I. LD  HL,(nn)  J. LD  A,(HL)   K. LD  (HL),A   L. ADD A,r      M. SUB r        N. JR  e        O. CP  r        P. JR  cc,e";
   1 ;"to hold large numbers,float-ing point numbers,strings etc )"
   1 ;"form. Your Spectrum manual showsthe code number equivalent to   each character."
   1 ;"____________";
   1 ;"____      _____";
   1 ;"YOUR program is encoded and     held in RAM itself and is       effectively data acted upon     by a compiler or interpreter    and the Z80 chip."
   1 ;"When the PC is changed, it is   usually made to point to the    following instruction . But someinstructions change the PC      quite drastically."
   1 ;"Welcome to";
   1 ;"We can perform on registers     more than the simple reads and  writes that are possible on RAM."
   1 ;"These extra operations are:";
   1 ;"There are a number of Registers of which we will consider 7.    They are called by the letters";
   1 ;"The";m$;" performs very simple instructions.  Many of these may be needed to obey  just a single BASIC command."
   1 ;"The value in each storage box   can be any number from"
   1 ;"The program counter register    ( or PC ) points to the next    instruction to be executed."    
   1 ;"The initial screens explain how certain points are represented  in this program to avoid your   having to learn too many detailsabout the workings of micros."
   1 ;"The following screens describe  individually a subset of Z80    Assembler instructions.";
   1 ;"Such instructions are:"''" - jumps   (Basic GOTOs)"''" - subroutine calls (GOSUBS)"''" - conditional jumps (IF..THEN)"
   1 ;"Registers are a set of special  storage boxes inside the CPU." 
   1 ;"REGISTERS":
   1 ;"PROGRAM":
   1 ;"PC points to"'" the next"'" instruction"
   1 ;"LOAD O in A";
   1 ;"LOAD A in Q";
   1 ;"LD r,r'":
   1 ;"LD r,nn":
   1 ;"LD HL,nn"
   1 ;"LD HL,(nn)"
   1 ;"LD HL,(M)"
   1 ;"LD B,C":
   1 ;"LD A,(nn)"
   1 ;"LD A,(M)":
   1 ;"LD (nn),HL"
   1 ;"LD (nn),A"
   1 ;"LD (M),HL":
   1 ;"LD (M),A":
   1 ;"L  LOAD N in C";
   1 ;"JR cc,e":
   1 ;"JR NZ,S":
   1 ;"Instructions cause the movement of";n$;"and";k$;
   1 ;"Inside the ZX Spectrum is a";m$;" commonly called a
   1 ;"Flag reg. is set":
   1 ;"Flag reg. is set"
   1 ;"Each screen shows the format of a particular instruction, a     description of its effect in thecomputer and a working example."
   1 ;"An instruction is made up of:";
   1 ;"ADDRESS   NAME"
   1 ;"ADD A,r"
   1 ;"ADD A,E":
   1 ;"A character is held in coded"
   1 ;"A  B  C  D  E  H  L" 
   1 ;"24-11=Non zero";
   1 ;"0 to 255 "
   1 ;"- a FUNCTION"'"     the action to perform";
   1 ;"- OPERANDS"'"     which boxes or registers        to perform the action on"
   1 ;"(BC)"''"The words OP1 and OP2 will be   used for general operands from  now.":
   1 ;"( NOTE : The BASIC interpreter  in ROM enables several small    boxes to be thought of as a big box";
   1 ;" RAM and ROM store";
   1 ;" RAM and ROM store"
   1 ;" RAM STORAGE";
   1 ;" Press a letter (A to P)"'" then ENTER.";
   1 ;" AND ASSEMBLER.   ";
   1 ;" 0 to 255 "
   1 ;"   ASSEMBLER COMMAND TUTOR."''" You may have all of the Z80     subset described to you or      any particular command."''" Please indicate your choice."''
   1 ;"       0 to 65535 - ie 64K     "
   1 .The CPU reads an 
   1 . Store & Register overview"''" 
   1 . Return to BASIC";
   1 . Create & run your program"''" 
   1 . Assembler commands tutor"''" 
   1 )="AJCMI67RSVEH"
   1 );"in the Spectrum";
   1 ).They can also cause";g$;"to be  changed."
   1 ),e;b$(lq)
   1 (ROM)"''"    - 
   1 (RAM)"''"    - 
   1 '''"r or r' will be used if the             operand is any register"''"lit     will be used if the             operand is a literal            ( ie a number from              0 to 255 )"''"e       is used to label an             instruction (rather like        a line number in BASIC)" 
   1 '''" Your SPECTRUM contains within   it a number of storage chips."''" All machines have a 16K ROM.    This contains the operating     system written by Sinclair."''" This is simply a program that   looks after the inputting and   running of your BASIC programs  and other aspects of overall    control."''" You cannot change it,  not even by switching the power off!"
   1 '''" This program is designed        to help you understand some     of the basic ideas concerning   the workings of your SPECTRUM   microcomputer."''''" It does this by a mixture of    illustrated tuition and an      experimental phase where you    can create your own program     and watch its effect on the     micro as it runs."
   1 '''" There are 3 areas that can      hold data :"''"    - 
   1 '''" The first time you try this     program, we suggest you go      through each of the first two   phases repeatedly until you     are confident enough to try     the experimenter."''''" Once in the experimenter, you   can always return to the tutor  phases without losing your      test program."
   1 '''" Registers are special storage   locations inside the Z80 chip   itself."''" When your program ( in RAM )    is being obeyed ( or the        Sinclair operating system       program in ROM is running ),    then these registers are used   to hold the temporary results   of your computations - the      additions, subtractions,        compares and so on.":
   1 '''" Please select the phase you     want to enter :"'''" 
   1 '''" In this phase of the Beyond     BASIC program, you will be      introduced to the concepts      behind STORE and REGISTERS."'''" Simple actions that we might    like our Spectrum to perform    are also met."'''" Gradually the format of these   commands moves towards that of  Z80 Assembler."
   1 '''" After a little practice with    this program, you should be     quite confident in reading &    understanding more complex      Z80 Assembler or micro guides."''''" HAVE FUN!":
   1 ''"The flag register (F) is an     internal register set by certainfunctions according to their    result. "''"In particular it reflects the   result of subtractions,additionsand comparisons."''"Z (zero) and NZ (non zero) are  used to show the result of the  last action affecting F.":
   1 ''"For example :"''"LD";
   1 ''"An instruction consists of two  or more sections, as follows:"''
   1 ''" We can think of our RAM store   as being a long row of boxes."''
   1 '"nn    on its own means a number       between 0 and 64k. "''"      This is usually the             number of the address           of a store box."''"      Since you don't know the        addresses of your store         boxes ( M to Y ), we use        ^M to mean 'address of M'":
   1 '"(nn)  means the contents of           store location nn               where nn is a number            from 0 
   1 '" The program is made up of       three sections."''" In the first, the concepts of   ROM & RAM store, registers and  simple machine code elements    are explained."''" In the second part, a set of    Z80 Assembler-like commands     are individually described      with a 'moving' example."''" Finally, in the experimental    phase, you use this Assembler   knowledge to create a program   and watch its effect on store   and registers."
   1 '" As the Spectrum has a Z80       processor we use Z80 Assembler  to assemble our programs.  We   shall now go on and find out    more about the instructions     we can use in our Z80 Assembly  Language programs."
   1 '" A 16k or 48k SPECTRUM contains  chips offering 16k or 48k of    RAM store to you."''" RAM store holds your program    and data areas - and you can    alter these as you wish."''" The contents of RAM are lost    when the power is off."
   1 "S save","6 down","M menu","7 up",,:
   1 "HL,^";r$(b);
   1 "HL,(";r$(b);")";
   1 "Beyond BASIC - Experimentor":
   1 "A,(";r$(b);")";
   1 "(";r$(b);"),HL";
   1 "(";r$(b);"),A";
   1 " Values can be posted into each  box, known as writing to store  - POKE in Basic."''
   1 " Values can also be collected    from each box, known as reading from store - PEEK in Basic."''
   1 " To identify each box, we give   it an address in the form of a  number (from 0 to 16 or 48k)    or a name. These names and      numbers are like postal         addresses."
   1 "   M   leave Experimentor"
   1 "   C   continue existing program",,
   1 "            
   1  the value C?
   1  storage K
   1  numbers W
   1  characters M
   1  Z80 microprocessorN
   1  64k."''"      Assemblers usually let          you tie a name to an            address."''"      In this program, we have        created 13 data boxes           for you. Their addresses        needn't worry you."''"      Their names are M to Y."''"      You can replace (nn) by         (M) to (Y) as needed.":
   1  ( & ENTER).";
   1   [compare values, etc]"
   1          !    "    #    $    %    &    '    (    )    *    +    ,    -    .    /    0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    :    ;    <    =    >    ?    @    A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z    [    \    ]    ^    _    `    a    b    c    d    e    f    g    h    i    j    k    l    m    n    o    p    q    r    s    t    u    v    w    x    y    z    {    |    }    ~    
   1                      U